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Showing posts with the label VCS

Veritas cluster Interview Questions-2

Please go through questions and answers. Let me know if you have any doubt by leaving comment. Adding and removing cluster node  Q-1 How to add a node in an existing cluster? Ans:    Adding a node into an existing cluster is a multi steps process. 1:       Set up the hardware Before adding a node to an existing cluster, node must be physically connected with the cluster.       1: Connect the VCS private Ethernet controllers       2: Connect the node to the shared storage 2:       Install the VCS software in the node           Install the VCS software and install the license. 3:       Configure LLT and GAB Create the LLT & GAB configuration files (/etc/llthosts, /etc/llttab and /etc/gabtab) in the new node and update the files on the existing node. 4:       Add the node to an existing cluster We have to perform below given tasks in any of the exi...

VCS Questions Answers

1: How do check the status of VERITAS Cluster Server status ? Ans: hastatus –sum 2.Which is the important config file for VCS and where it is located? Ans: is the important configuration file for VCS and it is located in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config. 3: Which command you will use to check the syntax of the Ans: hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config 4: How to switchover the service group in VCS? Ans: # hagrp –switch -to SYSTEM_NAME 5: How to online the service groups in VCS? Ans: # hagrp –online -sys SYSTEM_NAME 6: How to set the VCS configuration Read-Only? Ans: # haconf –dump –makero 7: How to set the VCS configuration Read-Write? Ans: # haconf -makerw 8: How to display the list of all snapshots? Ans: # hasnap –display –list 9: How to add a user with cluster administrator/Operator access? Ans: # hauser –add <user> -priv Administrator/Operator 10: How to add a user with group administrator/Operator access? Ans: # hauser –add <user> -priv Adm...