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Learning - AWS

Service Health Check 

Region - Geographocal identify
Region comprises of AV Zones
AV Zone - AV zone comprises of physical infra (like DC, Network, Power, Physcial SErver, Stroage etc..)


VPC - Virtual Private Cloud  - logically isolated on your network.

Earlier : EC2-Classic - Comes with one single FLAT  N/W


S3 - Simple Storage Service (ALL AMI  and Snapshot are Stored in S3 bucket ) 

EBS - Elastic Block Store - ( Where VOLUMES/Virtual Storage is created )  ( Root device type: ebs )

Virtualization type : hvm ( Hardware virutalization method )

Old method - Virtualization type : paravirtual. ( 

Instance Type

General Purpose
Compute Optimized
GPU Instance
Memory Optimized
Storage Optimized


A security group is a set of firewall rules that control the traffic for your instance. 
you can add rules to allow specific traffic to reach your instance.

There are Ingress(INBOUND-Incoming traffic) and egress(OUTBOUND-Outgoing traffic) rules that can be set.
By default INBOUND will be NONE and OUTBOUND will be ALLOW ALL.


When an instance is created a BOOTSTRAPPING script called "CLOUD_INIT" is executed and is 
responsible for
1. Allocating PRIVATE_IP address to eth0
2. Setting the hostname
3. Executing the custom configuration script (USER_DATA)
3. storing the PUBLIC KEY of your KeyPair   into  /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorozed_keys
 For Windows AMIs, the private key file is required to obtain the password used to log into your instance

 Suggested to Choose "No Reboot" option while creating AMI from a PRODUCTION Instance.


 migration tools


key benifits


cost saving

improved performance

access to aws cloud native feature


aws migration hub : - central tool for monitoring migration

aws database migration service (DMS) - migrate databases easily and securely

aws server migraion service (SMS) - agentless service for workload migration

aws datasync : fast data transfer between on-premises and aws storage.

aws application discovery service : discovery and plan migration from on-premises to aws

high volume data transfer solution
aws transfer family : seamleass file transfer using SFTP, FTPS, and FTP
aws snowball and snowmobile - > physica device for large data transfer

aws  cloud adoption framework (AWS CAF)
purpose : guides orgnaization in realizing business objectives in the cloud

the frameworks starts by identifying six groups of foundationsal perspectives

business : understand value and business case for cloud ( ROI, cloud benefits, kpis)
people : manage orgnaization and staffing changes ( training, nrew roles , change management)
governance : implement oversight and control ( risk management, compliance, resource provisioing)
platform: select appropriate architecture and tech stack(infrastructe ,security, deployement methodologies)
security:  ensure security in the cloud( encryption, incident response, identify management)
operation :  maintain and operate cloud systems ( monitoring, resources optimization, incident response)

Four transformation domains
technology. process, orgnaization, product

four iterative and incremental could transformation phases


The 6R's migration
1. REhost ( lift and shift) - Like migration from on-premise to clold
2. Replatfomr ( life , tinker and shift) - look like a same but little modification ( instead of linux myqal to chagne to RDS on aws)
3. refactor / Re-architect  - application are significcantly modified or completedly re-writen to take full advantage of cloud native features
4. repurchage ( drop and shop)  - abandoning the current application to move a new product, often choosing a cloud naitve solution
5. Retire: identifying IT assest that are no loger useful and can be turned off. do not want to migrate unwanted assests
6. Retain : -keeping application on-premises or in the current enviornment.  ( hybird)



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